Wednesday, 8 May 2013

University 'fun task'

On Tuesday at 2pm a 48hr project to achieve was given to the Level 4 and 5 (which included me, of course). Though we were not being graded on it, it had to be done...apparently. The project was to end today at 2pm.

I then proceeded, reluctantly, to shuffle around in a sulk until I decided to slink into a team with my fellow classmates.
The Genre we picked (Or should I say, I picked) was Horror.
As we tried to come up with some kind of plan/plot for a small animation, a noticed that I automatically wanted to do the animation in 3D, something I felt my strength lay. This was not so for my teammates and so, to ensure everyone got to show off their own strength and skills, I thought to add Stop Motion and 2D animation, as well as 3D animation. I believed it could have been done... With a little hard work and time, but time was something we sort of lacked.
When we finally settled with a story for the animation, my teammates informed me that I should act as the 'director' of the group, which I took as a great compliment and was extremely flattered by it.
I then set tasks for everyone to do, so all team members had something to get to work on and contribute, and went home.
Stop Motion Task: Create models that shall be animated in front of a green screen and added into the animations foreground -- 1) Film Clapper object, that is also a logo for a animation group called Animation Bites. 2) Horrific things such as worms/maggots etc
2D Animation Task - To create a background for the animation. Moving and animated background filled with horror related objects.
3D Animation Task - To use a character and create a walk cycle where said Character reacts to the things around it and then being eaten at the end -- also, insect rigs to crawl passed the character and camera.

I realised, once home, that I had nothing to do, so I set myself my own task and created a title sequence for the animation in Maya...the only downside was the rendering time and the lack of sleep, as well as my Mac overheating and forcing me to cancel the render.
When I arrived at University early Wednesday morning, I set about completing rendering that I couldn't at home, and tried to offer words of encouragement to everyone as stress levels had began to rise and blocked progression and creativity. Although we had from 10am till 5pm, not all of the team members could make it until the afternoon, so not much had been completed in that time (technology being fickle and finicky as it was also slowed the rendering too...). There were no free rigs either for the Stop Motion bit we wanted (putting all the adorable models that had taken time to create, to no use...).

In the end, we had done some work, but whether it was at a 'professional standard' as it had to be or if it would be done in time for 2pm on Thursday...I cannot say at the moment. I have done all I can do on it.

...Will add more when I can see straight and had a good nights sleep...

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Another Deadline Gone

Yes, that's right, another deadline done.
Granted, a lot of my work was less than it should have been because of my long absence from University, but I still managed to get things in.
If you would like to look at my videos/animations, please click on this link:

During the Holidays, to which I have Five months off (I know...that is quite a time...) I may update this blog as I plan to practice more on my 3D programs and my animation skills on Maya