Friday, 31 January 2014

Assistant Animator

ASSISTANT ANIMATOR contribution and report (Weighted at 20% of total module mark)

Collaboration and teamwork, under the direction of others are key skills integral to the animation process and industry.

You will provide a range of Animation services that can be termed ‘Assistant Animator’ to a Level 6 student. This is a great opportunity for you to see how a final year production is run as well as getting an insight into the set-up and preparation of the annual Degree Show.

Your Assistant Animator contributions must be at least 25 working hours across the module.
Tasks might include assisting with preparation for animation, storyboarding, shooting, rendering, layout, budgeting, Producing, set building, puppet making, sound or picture editing and animating.

You will produce evidence of your involvement in a ‘document’ equalling 1000 words. Where possible you should consider a documentary style using a video diary or on-line BLOG as the basis of you report which must include:
* photographs
* illustrations
* technical documentation ...anything which clearly shows your involvement in the project

As new Graduates as you will be in just over 1 years’ time – acting as an Assistant is the probable entry point into which you will join the animation industry. It is an essential and critical aspect of production.

The word assistant means exactly that - you assist - and not treat it as a side-line activity - or because you have to do it.

See this as integral to your overall perspective and journey towards becoming an Animation Director yourself.


When I heard of this part of the module before we broke for Christmas I was very excited to work with the third years and had already spoken to two of them about it whom shared my interest in 3D.
Since then those two have recently gotten in touch and I hope to help them both:

James Duncan:
Robot Design:

James contacted me through my email with instructions and I in turn replied. I was quite happy to help him anyway I could:-

>>> James Jan 30 at 2:57 PM
Sup Gemma, this is James from 3rd year. Was just wondering if you were interested in working with me on my film as an assistant animator?

Here is my Vimeo link if you are interested lemme know.

What I am looking for is people to make a 3D modeled Robot using Maya.

I will go into more detail when in person if you are interested.

Vimeo link >>

James Duncan 3rd Year Animation.

>>> Me Jan 30 at 9:51 PM
Hello James! How have you been? I am interested, yes. I'd love to help and work with you.
I believe I could make a 3D model Robot given references and that, does it need to be rigged at all?
I will try to be in Uni but because of the cold weather, I'm afraid I am stuck at home at present, however, I believe I can still aid from here. I have Maya at home, and can model in it and send you the files?
Let me know what you think.

p.s. I love your little short animation. It's brilliant and adorable!


>>> James Jan 30 at 10:04 PM
Here are some robot designs that are the look that i am going for. In regards to the robot that you will create, that is totally up to you, the only things i ask is no weapons and keep the polys low. This is your design and you will be fully credited. I don't mind you working at home :) wherever your most comfortable is fine with me. Simple is better, keep that in mind and on top of the pictures that I have inserted above the best thing to watch is the 'I robot' film. In this film I'm not looking at the new pristine condition robots (I robot) but the really old robots that are replaced and put away.

Don't worry about rigging as these characters,at this moment in time, will not be moving. This may change after i see everything together but no need to worry about rigging for now.

If you have any questions in regards to anything Maya or Mudbox then let me know and I shall answer them to the best of my ability.

In regards to a time frame would it be possible to get the character modeled by around Friday 14th, giving you 2 weeks. This does not include texturing or anything fancy just the basic mesh as it is will do fine.

Thanks for the reply and I'm looking forward to seeing your results ^^


>>> Me Jan 30 at 10:30 PM
I shall give the designs I look over and see if I can design my own with them as a guideline, I shall also look at the old robots in I, Robot as you suggested. I will start tomorrow and hopefully have it done for you in time, I believe two weeks is enough time to get it done. 
It was lovely to hear from you and I hope my robot fits your needs =) Thanks for messaging me!

I will be using only Maya for it but if you need me to use Mudbox for whatever reason, I shall get it and use it.

I will keep in touch!Speak soon! 


>>> James Jan 30 at 10:35 PM
Mudbox is what I use to normal map and texture after the meshes have been UV mapped. No need to think about that anytime soon so all is good, if you need any more time or you feel stressed with getting it done in time then don't worry just keep me up to date and I'm sure it will be fine to give you another week or 2 :) there is no rush on this.

Thank you 


>>> Me Jan 31 at 11:27 PM
I've attached a screenshot of the robot so far, just showing you to see if you like what's there or not.

Hope you are well =)


>>> James Jan 31 at 11:50 PM
Looking good but get rid of the wheel and put some legs instead if u can as They are more in the area of what I'm looking for but apart from that the rest is awesome :) keep up the good work :D

>>> Me Feb 2 at 2:36 PM

I've never made a Robot before, obviously, and I'm struggling a little. The limbs...I'm not sure what to do. When making a human character model (something I'm constantly doing) all the limbs are connected to the body but with a Robot, Robots are made up of loads of different parts all slipped together, what I'm struggling with is if I should put them together or not. Should they merely all be different parts or should I connected them, via edges or vertexes? How would the Robot move? I can't see it in my head and so I'm a little stuck on what to do. If I made this Robot, it's limbs would all be separate shapes, I would combine them but they would still be separate pieces, is that good, is this right? Should I leave them all separate and then if you want them all together you can do it?
I believe I'm over-thinking things but I don't want to do something wrong. I'm meant to help you, not give you more work to do, so I just want to ask your opinion on the matter, as you made those Robots in your vimeo video. Can I see their wireframe or something?

Sorry to be a bother.


>>> James Feb 2 at 3:29 PM
Ha no worries :) I'm at my mums atm so I can't send anything through the comp but I'm thinking leave everything as separate and don't combine till after I see the first draft :) no worries about bothering I'm glad u do :) my number is                     . Gimme a ring sometime as I prefer a calls then text n email heh

>>> Me Feb 2 at 5:30 PM

Hey =)
I've attached two screenshots for you. Is this okay? The legs and arms are all separate little shapes. The head and body was made from one shape, I can separate them as well though if you prefer.

I can't give you a ring now, as I have little to no credit, but I shall save your number to my phone. Have you got mine? Do you want it?

Just to let you know, I am saving our conversations and they will be put on my blog as evidence of my involvement, is this okay? I've blanked out your number and such, I won't be showing that kind of stuff =)


>>> James Feb 2 at 6:02 PM
Yea that's fine n I don't have ur number but I will always ring as I have free calls. I will look at the pictures soon and let I know what I think :)

>>> Me Feb 7 at 11:49 AM
Hey James!
Did you take a look at the Robot  images? Is there anything you'd like me to do? I could send you the Robot file if you want?


>>> James Feb 7 at 11:51 AM
Hey Gemma really sorry this week has been crazy and totally forgot to look, can u send the maya file again so I can see it in a 3D space please :)

>>> Me Feb 7 at 12:11 PM

It's okay, I can relate. I've been mega busy too =)
Sending a zip file of the Maya Robot file for you.


>>> James Feb 7 at 12:13 PM

Awesome thank you, in a lecture at the moment but I will look at it at around 1ish
Good Work btw :) keep it up. The images looking good and shows individualism which is what I'm desiring so good lass :P

>>> Me Feb 7 at 1:46 PM

Thank you! =D =p 
I'm so glad that you like what I've done and that I've done it the way you wanted it.

Speak soon


>>> James Feb 7 at 2:54 PM
hey Gem can i call you about things to improve your work with this model and things to help ya with stuff in the future of Maya. I don't have your number so can you send it to me either email or text.

>>> Me Feb 8 at 4:37 PM

Sorry about the delay. Here is my number, although if you say anything to me, I might not get what you mean in words. I'm a visual person/learner and if you want things changed or added to the Robot or want to tell me how to model better, it's better if you send me references or something? Or show me whenever I'm next in Uni, if you're not busy that is =)
Here my number anyway:                         
My phone is off at the moment though, it's very old (not sure if you remember?) and it takes ages to charge.

Do you want me to change anything on the Robot now, or is that okay and you will make any changes that you need on your own?


>>> James Feb 9 at 4:21 PM
tried ringing a few times but all failed so maybe its better to skype? that way we can share screen and show what needs to be shown?
My skype is resenix1 so if you wana add then we can discuss .... that is if you have skype heh

>>> Me Feb 9 at 4:40 PM

Hey, yeah, my phone is playing up, sorry. I do have Skype! I will add you in a second =)


Spoke on Skype on Sunday, 5:00pm +
Screen shared, James showed me what was wrong with my Robot, what I should fix and how and also what he would like to show me in person, whenever he gets the chance too.

>>> Me Feb 16 at 10:10 PM

I've fiddled around with my Robot a bit more. I think I did most of what you told me. I've added a few things too. I will send the images first and then the file if you want to take a look closer.


*Apr 29 at 5:43PM - Missed call from James Duncan, followed by a text asking about seeing the Robot model

>>> Me Apr 30 at 5:27 PM

Here it is, seemed like it either never sent to you when I sent it or I thought I had sent it but hadn't...though I'm sure I did.

I might continue to help after my deadline, by the way xx


>>> James Apr 30 at 6:23 PM
Hey Gem, looked at the model and its looking good and looking forward to seeing what your texturing comes out like. Also that would be great for continued help after ^^ much appreciated.

Good luck with your hand in.


*UPDATE: 06/05/14
Though I may not be able to get the texturing done in time for my deadline (9th May), I shall continue to help and do more work for James afterward, having more time to concentrate on what he needs with my own work out of the way.

This module has been a brilliant experience for me, working for and with others is always a skill that is needed throughout life. Having guidelines and another creative mind to bounce from, has been the most enjoyable, sometimes I need to have references or a guide to what I need to do and this was a great way to get it.

>>> Me May 13th at 5:45PM

Hey, I textured my robot but I cheated and used the materials in Maya as I feared it might take me too long to do otherwise. If it's a bit rubbish, just change it. The colouring was my choice and I thought it would be amusing. Can you see my inspiration?

Gem x


Jamie Bowen:

>>> Jamie Jan 29 at 10:56 AM
Hey Gemma, would you as a 3D person like to work on my project?

>>> Me Jan 29 at 1:18 PM

>>> Me Feb 3 at 6:22 PM
Hey, not heard from you. Do you still want me to assist you? Give me the information and tell me what you might need from me

>>> Jamie Feb 3 at 6:28 PM
Hi Gemma, defo gonna need you guys. Just working out the story. Also plot changed a bit but I'll get back to you when I've finalised it

>>> Me Feb 3 at 6:37 PM

>>> Jamie Feb 5 at 6:55 PM

Hey gem gem how are you?

When do you think you'll next be in uni? Want to give you an overview of my film and see where we can slot you

>>> Me Feb 5 at 7:14 PM
Hey, I'm very tired and cold haha How are you? Not sure when I will be next in Uni. I'm in a lot of pain and can't walk properly at all. Erm, is there anyway to send the overview or something? Can try Skype sometime? Though I warn you, my internet connection isn't the best.

>>> Jamie Feb 5 at 10:33 PM

Oh ok no worries, I'm planning on video blogging my report so I can send you the video blog for the story chapter when I've filmed it Hope you feel better gem, if there's anything i can do to help like talk to Stuart let me know
I shall let you know soon what I may need

>>> Jamie March 22 at 12:59pm - On Facebook
Modelling list
Hi Modellers - here is the list of props that need modelling in no particular order.

When you decide to take them to model change the name to Bold. When you've finished it leave bold and underline - such as This

(BTW you cant see underline unless you edit doc :) )
This'll stop everyone modelling bins and keep us organised :)


Government Building
Drain Cover
Dress Mannequin
Child Toy - Bear
Baseball bats
wire fence
helmets - US infantry
flag pole
street lamp
phone box - american style - onto wall
telegraph/electricty poles with wires
News stand
Newspaper box
Full Binbags
American Street crossing light
Dead Trees

This is the ones I've had a think of for now - but there's bound to be some more to come. DW I'm doing this list too so its not just you guys.

>>> Me March 27 at 15:53PM
Hey Jamie. Just modelled some full binbags (well one full binbag) not sure if it's done correctly and it might have a big poly count...I was trying to keep it down but it looks like I might have gone overboard, I'm not sure, when smoothed there is a higher poly count (obviously.. I was thinking I can send you the Maya file and you can do whatever you want to them to fix them? Not sure. Here is a screenshot anyway
Gem x

Baseball Bat

>>> Me April 9th at 17:35PM
I've done a very basic (probably wrong) teddy bear, shall I send you the Maya file?

>>> Jamie April 9th at 17:36PM
Yes that'll be cool
Thank you for your help!

>>> Me April 9th at 20:55PM
I've done a low poly Dress Mannequin as well, I shall send that to you

>>> Jamie April 9th at 20:57PM

Oh brilliant Gem! Could you send me a screen shot of it via here 

>>> Me April 9th at 20:59PM

Here you go

>>> Jamie April 9th at 21:00PM
Nice! Could you just possibly shorten the stand? To about the same as the body?
 Don't forget to record your hours Gemma

*UPDATE: 06/05/14

I will continue to help Jamie even after my deadline, to help model more things and texture them once I learn more about it.

>>> Jamie May 11th at 20:29PM - Facebook

Hey Guys! Well done on hand in! saw some cracking work on vimeo!
Its the final stretch before the end now guys but I have a few essential items that I really need made... Gemma Ryan can you give this a crack if you're up for it
I need a bag (backpack)
(make sure it has some sort of side pocket)
and a teddy bear
(dont worry about fluffy just the shape)
If you can great, if you cant let me know and ill do it, but the help would be great!
Talk soon

>>> Me May 13th at 21:40PM
I've sort of done a backpack like the image but's not completely like it haha

>>> Jamie May 13th at 21:41PM
Can you send me a screen shot? On my ipad

>>>Me May 13th at 21:44PM

>>> Jamie May 13th at 21:46PM
Brill that's great gem can you just give all the pieces appropriate names in the outliner and send it to me
Thanks for that! 

>>>Me May 13th at 21:47PM
You like it? That okay? Yeah, I shall name them

>>> Jamie May 13th at 21:47PM
That's great
Also so you get into good practice delete the history and freeze transforms, then put it in a group
If you want, I can give you a quick tutorial in effective texturing next time you're in 


Timothy Panter

>>> TimothyFeb 6 at 12:06 PM
Hey, I'm a 3rd year student looking for anyone to help on my final project. I'm doing my film in 2D hand drawn style in Flash, just wondering if people would be available to do some work on my project. I'm looking for some background/scene designs and also people who wouldn't mind doing some animation in flash. My idea was a kind of Singin in The Rain adaptation where instead of Gene Kelly it is a young school boy  who is on his way home from school, it begins to rain and he breaks out in dance similar to the dance scene with Gene Kelly in in the film 'Singin in The Rain'. Here is a link to my previous work and I've attached the designs of the character in my film. Hope you're interested.


>>> Me Feb 7 at 11:46 AM

Hello Tim!
Nice idea your animation (I love Singing in the Rain and Gene Kelly). Concerning the background and scene designs, what do you want for that? What were you thinking and what do you want them to be done like, for example, do you want them painted in Photoshop or created in Flash or just sketched etc? If you have any references for what you want with the background/scenes, I'd like to take a look at them.


>>> Timothy Feb 10 at 5:14 PM
Hey, thanks for getting back. I wasn't completely sure about my backgrounds however I have attached reference images for you to have a look at. I would like the background to be like just a normal street with maybe some grass and trees on the side of the footpaths with houses along each sides and when the kid starts to walk and then dance there's more of a town like setting similar to the singing in the rain set, which I've also attached some screenshots of. Feel free to add in any extra's or even come up with other styles of backgrounds if you think they will match better. I've also attached a file of rough storyboard images of how I intend the animation to go, so you might find them useful. Also if you want you can draw out the lampost seen in the singin in the rain dance scene aswell, and if you do, could you try and make it similar but abit more modern maybe. I have attached an image named "singin in the rain bus" which I drew and if you could please draw the backgrounds in this style with no color but shading similar to the bus and could these please be done in Photoshop, I'm not to sure whether you can produce similar shading straight into flash and in Photoshop can you make the file 3456 px x 2304 px, my actual animation will be 1920 x 1080 hp but I've found when importing images from Photoshop done  at 1920 by 1080 it doesn't have the same quality in Flash for some reason. But yea thanks and hope this is enough info for you, email back if not. 



>>> Me  Feb 18 at 2.:06 PM
I've been having problems with Photoshop and that, sorry. Do you mind if I sketch things first? I will sketch some backgrounds and if you like them then I will try and smooth them out and make them look like the style you want.


>>> Me Feb 18 at 2:46 PM

I looked up some nice lampposts and found two that look nice and sketched them (very roughly), I'll attach them to this email for you to look at. Most modern lampposts look awful!

Tell me what you think


>>> Tim Feb 18 at 3:27 PM
Yea there really good, I like the one on the left, that'll be fine cheers for that.
And yea that's fine do whatever you need to do, if you prefer to use another program to shade the backgrounds use that. But cheers anyway :)

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