Monday, 26 January 2015

Assistant Animator - Leadership


Collaboration, teamwork and the direction of others are key skills integral to the animation process and industries.

You will collaborate with and Direct a team of ‘Assistant Animators’ to be negotiated by you with and made up of students from other year groups.

Your Assistant Animators are committed to making contributions of at least 25 working hours across the module – which may be split between a number of Level 6 productions. It is your responsibility to negotiate with your Assistants the amount hours they are expected to make to your project.

Tasks might include assisting with preparation for animation, storyboarding, shooting, rendering, layout, budgeting, Producing, set building, puppet making, sound or picture editing and animating.


You will need to document the achievements you have made in Animation Direction in a Direction Report equalling a minimum of 500 words. Where possible you should consider a documentary style using a video diary or on-line BLOG as the basis of you report which must include:

technical documentation
...anything which clearly shows your development of ideas and creative direction of others.


*UPDATE: 27/01/15

Assistant Animators:

Robert Birks - 3D Modeller from Stafford Campus ( Games Design )

Some examples of work:

Tom Moffat - 3D Modeller and Animator

Some examples of work:

Joshua Clay - 3D Modeller

Some examples of work:

Ciaran Slavin - 3D Modeller

Some examples of work:


*UPDATE: 28/01/15

Jobs that need doing:-

3D Character Artist - To model the character(s) for my Animation.

3D modeller - To model props and sets

2D Artist - To draw up storyboards and make changes to character designs if necessary and discussed.

Sound Designer - To help with music/soundtrack/foley.

3D Animator - To help animate characters and/or smooth out animation to a better quality. 

Video Editor - To help edit all scenes correctly, adding the right amount of effects to the film as well as credits and a title sequence.


*UPDATE: 29/01/15

Models/props that need creating:

> Machete (Done)

> Winchester (Taken)

> Sig SauerP226R, British Army equipment designation L106A1

> Ammo and cases for weapons (Taken)

> A pile of canned food. It can be neatly piled and all one model, or messily piled. I shall be providing a storyboard later and I may have drawn what I will most likely want.

> Picture frames, for a wall and a desk.

> A bed (Taken)

> A wardrobe (Done)

> Dressing table (Taken)

> Knick knacks (girly ones, such as lipstick and perfume and all that stuff)

> Beetle Car or Mini Car (rundown/broken)

> Crushed drink can (Taken)

> Chair (possibly a desk chair) (Done)

>> More might be added later.


*UPDATE: 07/02/15

Tom Moffat:


*UPDATE: 27/03/15

Joshua Clay: Five Hours


*UPDATE: 07/04/15

Tom Moffat


*UPDATE: 06/05/15

Ciaran Slavin: 20 Hours

Bed: 15 - 20 Hours

Bullets: 5 -7 Hours


UPDATE: 08/05/15

Tom Moffat

Conversation started 29 January

29/01/2015 20:23
Gemma Birks

Hello! I'm Gemma Birks and I'm one of the Third years on the Animation course. I wasn't at the presentation day, and I apologise for that, I have quite the problem with the Winter. At any rate, Ryan Wilson told me that you are interested in 3D? I am too. I want my final project to be 3D if I can.

Because I was not at the presentation, I shall link my work to you here for you to have a gander at: (I admit to not updating my flickr for quite some time, so I don't mind if you skip it) (I update this as much as I can/remember. My FMP idea is on there, but it's just the basics for now as I'm still playing around with my idea. More information about it will be uploaded there soon) (here is my DA...just because)
I reckon I shall be needing help with modelling props and the lark. There should be a list (which may grow) on my blog (on the Assistant Animator post).
I'd like to discuss things with you, and others involved (if you choose to be involved), I'd like to hear suggestions and opinions and feedback on anything. And I'd like your email just in case, please.
My email is:
You might see me around Uni, I'll be the girl with the crutches most likely.
P.S. I didn't think you randomly add you because I wasn't sure if you wanted some strange woman in your friends.

29/01/2015 21:28
Tom Moffat

Hey im very interested in helping you with your work! I can model and animate (did a year of games design at staffs and modeled a tank but I cant find the Flickr account with the pictures for it frown emoticon.) can link my vimeo for you if you wanna check out my animations also

29/01/2015 21:36
Gemma Birks

Oh? My brother is doing the same thing so I know what you mean. He has also modelled a tank and other such things, army type vehicles etc
Yes, please do link your vimeo, I'd love to see your work
Do you use 3DSMax to model?
I have to tell you that I suffer greatly from the cold and so I might not always be in Uni, so if you ever need to talk to me, please email me or we can Skype (if my rubbish net will allow me to)

29/01/2015 21:42
Tom Moffat

Yep learnt to model in max heres my vimeo and heres my email                                     

29/01/2015 21:42
Gemma Birks

Thank you!
Do you mind if I post some of your work on my blog? Link your vimeo etc?

29/01/2015 21:45
Tom Moffat

No problem. yeahh I dont mind reallly wish I had my tank screenshots though I was proper proud of that

29/01/2015 21:46
Gemma Birks

Have a look around for them, and if you find them, send them my way and I'll display them on my blog!

29/01/2015 21:59
Gemma Birks
Your animations are brilliant and funny!


01/02/2015 22:57
Tom Moffat

Wow only just seen this thanks thats kind of ya. do you mind if I start doing some modelling for you? I was thinking of starting on the sword you want tomorrow but wanted your approval first

01/02/2015 23:19
Gemma Birks

Yes, by all means, start modelling! I love that machete
Keep me updated with your progress, screenshots and stuff like that. You should keep the screenshots for yourself too, to document what you do!
I'm using Maya to animate with (and I use it to model as well), I have both Maya 2014 and 2015 now. Not sure which I will actually use, but just keep in mind it'll be Maya I'll be using the models for. You can model in 3DSMax, that's fine, the files can be transferred over I'm sure!

01/02/2015 23:32
Tom Moffat

Sweet i'll get on it tomorrow evening and will aim for a similar looking machete  but yeahh i'll probably model In 3ds max 2015 and transfer it over to maya so you have no messing about to do

01/02/2015 23:37
Gemma Birks

Thanks a lot!
I'm not sure about texturing so far, if you are good at texturing and wish to help with that too, I won't say no to you doing that

02/02/2015 01:08
Tom Moffat

Yeahh i'll texture it too no problem

02/02/2015 01:13
Gemma Birks

Thanks! The texture doesn't have to be really realistic, keep that in mind. The characters of mine are sort of cartoonish (and also the back up character I have just in case is sort of pixar looking), so textures don't need to be majorly realistic.


06/02/2015 18:33
Tom Moffat

Hey, just to keep you up to date I have finished the machete and textured it but my maya crapped out on me and I had to reinstall it but I willl send you the files tomorrow so you can take a look and give feedback

06/02/2015 21:33
Gemma Birks

Thanks a lot! Did you screenshot your progress? If not that's okay, but you should document your workings just in case, it's good to show!
Email me the files and I will get back to you. Thanks again!


07/02/2015 12:14
Tom Moffat

Yeahh i been screenshotting and documenting the progress. Emailed you a couple of Renders too

07/02/2015 14:25
Gemma Birks

Fantastic! I will go give them a look (and they will probably end up on my blog, if that's okay)

07/02/2015 14:43
Tom Moffat

Yep thats fine

07/02/2015 15:20
Gemma Birks

Oh, and I do have dropbox, I can create a shared folder between us if you'd like in a second. Will you be sending me the OBJ file? Or the file and the documented screenshots?

07/02/2015 18:09
Tom Moffat

Obj file if thats cool and yeah a shared file would be good

07/02/2015 18:18
Gemma Birks

Okies, I've made one haha

07/02/2015 18:21
Tom Moffat

Okay cool you got a link for me

07/02/2015 18:23
Gemma Birks

You should get an email with the link and such, right? Check your email. If not, I'll get the link, hold on a second

07/02/2015 18:24
Tom Moffat
Ohh yeah yeah I got the link mate


25/02/2015 14:00
Gemma Birks

Sorry about the long, late response. Got your machete file etc I didn't see it for a while because dropbox thought it was nice not to show me it was there and my internet has not been kind to me in recent days. I'm very unwell right now too. However, I've seen it and I've had my brother look at it whilst I've been bed ridden haha

25/02/2015 14:03
Tom Moffat

Aww get well soon. okay lemme know what you think when you can, I might redo it anyway to put them ridges in that are on the photo of a machete on your blog

25/02/2015 14:07
Gemma Birks

Okay! Would you like any feedback for your machete? From my brother and me? My brother is really good at modelling so I take his advice often.
Let me know if you want to model anything else

25/02/2015 14:38
Tom Moffat

Yeahh feedback would be good. Yeahh im thinking of modelling more for you for sure


19/03/2015 18:52
Gemma Birks

Hey, I'm just writing to ask how you are getting on modelling? Make sure to update me please with screenshots or messages on how you are getting on and please use the dropbox to transfer things if needed. I will be posting your work on my blog, to show progression etc If you are not comfortable with that, let me know.
I will be giving you feedback on your machete soon. Sorry it's taken this long, I've been rather busy. Are you still redoing it? I think it would be best in all honesty.
You can wait for feedback before you redo it or you can try and redo it without, it's up to you, but keep me updated

19/03/2015 20:19
Tom Moffat

Yeah no worries i'll probably do a load of work for you including redo of the machete all next week just so its done

19/03/2015 20:20
Gemma Birks

Thanks a bunch! You might see me around Uni, if you do, just say my name and come up to me if you see it's me and need me for anything. If not, there is always here on Facebook


06/04/2015 09:50
Tom Moffat
(screenshots of tank)
Hey, this week im planning on finishing the assistant animator section for my course and so will be doing all models in the next few days and was thinking of starting today with a new machete model and maybe do the beetle or mini (are they old versions of the car you want or new ones) also I managed to find a couple of screens of my tank i made

06/04/2015 13:24
Gemma Birks

Oh!! Wow! What a colourful tank! Haha Thank you so much for the images of the tank you made, if it's okay with you, I shall post these on my blog!
And that would be amazing! I am so behind on my project because I am doing external briefs (which you will do in Third Year too) so I would love for you to do another machete and maybe a car, but, if you can't do them, that's fine! I know they are difficult, you'd need blueprints.
I prefer the old versions of the beetle and the mini. And remember, this is sort of a Zombie-ish world, so it can be dented or whatever if you like. Or completely fine just rusted as hell!
Keep me updated and thank you so much!
I'm sorry about not giving you feedback yet, I will do! It might be put on my blog but I think I'll paste it to you as well. Keep in mind that my feedback will be a mix of mine and my brother's because he models in Max and knows his stuff.

06/04/2015 13:26
Gemma Birks

If you find modelling the car(s) too difficult and would take too much of your time, pick another model to do!

06/04/2015 20:00
Tom Moffat

hey i have re done the machete but had to go home cause i forgot some uni work for tomorrow so havent done the car yet but can hopefully start it tomorrow

06/04/2015 20:03
Gemma Birks



07/04/2015 14:29
Tom Moffat

heyy, done the machete but i havent done the one from the pic cause i forgot. also what type of chair is it you want? like a stool or office chair? not sure im gonna be ablt to do a car cause of time

07/04/2015 14:53
Gemma Birks

Ah, well, let me see the machete anyway haha Shame you forgot about the reference image.
I think I say on my blog what sort of chair, I think I say possibly a desk chair, which I mean is like the type of chairs we sit on at Uni, the swirly chairs. There is a chair with the dressing table as well, but I think someone is doing the dressing table so they might do the chair as well. But yeah, desk chair is what I said. Send over the machete on dropbox.
I knew you wouldn't have time to do the car, it's a lot of work

07/04/2015 15:38
Tom Moffat

its okay i'll re do the machete again today that will be okay. doing the office chair now heres a screen shot

07/04/2015 17:12
Tom Moffat
(screenshots of deskchair)
hows it looking? any changes?

07/04/2015 18:59
Gemma Birks

I think you just need to get rid of some of the legs/wheels. The image I sent you has 5. You modelling in Maya today? Not Max anymore?

07/04/2015 19:05
Tom Moffat

sorted. yeah maya for now... i figured it would be easier for you to open lol can use max if it makes it better lol i dont really mind which program#

07/04/2015 19:08
Gemma Birks

If you save it as an OBJ file I should be able to open it in Maya whether you modelled it in Max or Maya haha You can also just give me the scene file if you want, if you are working in Maya. Just drop whatever on dropbox.

07/04/2015 19:12
Tom Moffat

yeahh okay. do you not want the project files?

07/04/2015 19:14
Gemma Birks

You can give me them if you want. You can either give me an OBJ file, just the scene file (Josh gave the just the scene file and some renders of the wardrobe he did), or you can give me the whole project file.

07/04/2015 19:20
Tom Moffat

i'll just give you the scene lol do you need the progress images too cause i can send you mine no problem

07/04/2015 19:20
Gemma Birks

yes please!!

07/04/2015 19:21
Tom Moffat

noooooooooo problem mate

07/04/2015 19:22
Gemma Birks

Thank youuuuuu

07/04/2015 19:22
Tom Moffat

gonna get on with this machete lol third time lucky eyy. i'll show you the one i di but i hate it

07/04/2015 19:25
Tom Moffat
(screenshots of machete)
heres one with the wire frame cause i know the last machete had ngons

07/04/2015 19:30
Gemma Birks

Ah righty. Let me know how you get on doing it again and make sure to do screenshots and stuff and then pop it on dropbox!

07/04/2015 19:31
Tom Moffat
will do

07/04/2015 19:31
Gemma Birks

Thanks so much!!!! xx


09/04/2015 14:54
Gemma Birks

Hey, you might need to send me the scene folder again for the machete. I forgot to mention, you were using Maya 2015, weren't you? I'm use Maya 2014, so I can't open Maya 2015 files, it came up with an error, it's done it before. You need to save it again so I can open it in Maya 2014
I think saving it as an ma file instead of an mb might work? I don't really know, I've mostly always used my 2014 Maya not 2015.
Look it up or ask Daryl or something about it, but you need to re-save it.
Sorry about this. I forgot I can't open 2015 files unsure emoticon

09/04/2015 14:55
Gemma Birks
This might mean you need to re-save the chair and the machete

09/04/2015 16:13
Tom Moffat
YeAhh thats fine pal i'll do it in a bit  should work if i save it as an ascii file i think


06/05/2015 02:10
Gemma Birks

Hey, I've used your desk chair but the machete file has an error and the mesh of the blade is all messed up so I'm going to have to use another one, nothing I do will fix it. You can try and send it me again (though as an OBJ file) if you want but if not, I have another I can use.
It's getting too close to deadline now but you can get some more done for me if you want, though it will have to be done pretty quickly as the deadline is nearing and I'm in the process of modelling everything that hasn't been modelled for me.
If you decide not to do anymore then, thanks for the chair! It also had an error but I was able to use it anyway. I don't know what was wrong with the files but that's just what happens sometimes, tech gives you the finger and things just can't work out the way you wanted them to.


Overall the models and contact/response which Tom provided were very good! The models needed redoing a couple of times, more so the machete, and file formats became a tad difficult for a moment or two, but Tom kept at it, replied to the messages I sent and gave me both models that he had finished by the end. As he was extremely busy with his own work at the time, I am grateful for what he has done for me, I only wish that things went a bit smoother and I had gotten all the models earlier and had the time, myself, to test/check/review them quickly.
As it turned out, the machete file was, in the end, had a huge error when I loaded it and I could not use it in my animation, but the desk chair given was in a better condition and I was able to add it to a scene.
I had wanted to give Tom feedback over the models, feedback from my brother more than I, as my brother was more accustomed to 3DSMax and texturing, however I was never given the feedback from him and the feedback I sent Tom seemed to not have gotten through, as I later realised whilst checking my mail. Therefore I shall put it here in hopes that he will see it:




Joshua Clay

Conversation started 29 January

29/01/2015 20:24
Gemma Birks

Hello! I'm Gemma Birks and I'm one of the Third years on the Animation course. I wasn't at the presentation day, and I apologise for that, I have quite the problem with the Winter. At any rate, Ryan Wilson told me that you are interested in 3D? I am too. I want my final project to be 3D if I can.

Because I was not at the presentation, I shall link my work to you here for you to have a gander at: (I admit to not updating my flickr for quite some time, so I don't mind if you skip it) (I update this as much as I can/remember. My FMP idea is on there, but it's just the basics for now as I'm still playing around with my idea. More information about it will be uploaded there soon) (here is my DA...just because)
I reckon I shall be needing help with modelling props and the lark. There should be a list (which may grow) on my blog (on the Assistant Animator post).
I'd like to discuss things with you, and others involved (if you choose to be involved), I'd like to hear suggestions and opinions and feedback on anything. And I'd like your email just in case, please.
My email is:
You might see me around Uni, I'll be the girl with the crutches most likely.
P.S. I didn't think to randomly add you because I wasn't sure if you wanted some strange woman in your friends.

30/01/2015 01:19
Joshua Clay

Hi! Yes I do work in 3D and I'm very comfortable trying to model props and such ^^ and my email is:                                           

30/01/2015 01:51
Gemma Birks

Thank you for your email!

30/01/2015 08:51
Joshua Clay

No problem ^^


01/02/2015 15:55
Gemma Birks

Oh, I forgot to ask! Do you mind if I put your name on my blog with links to your work or images of your work? I'm showcasing those that are helping me

01/02/2015 15:59
Joshua Clay

That's fine ^•^

01/02/2015 16:22
Gemma Birks

Great! Could I have the link to your vimeo? And if you have any images of any models you've done, send them my way

01/02/2015 16:23
Joshua Clay
Still gotta set up a maya page

01/02/2015 16:24
Gemma Birks

If you've modelled anything recently in Maya that you are proud of, take a screenshot of it or render an image of it and send it my way

01/02/2015 16:25
Joshua Clay

(screenshots of work)

01/02/2015 16:26
Gemma Birks

Thanks a bunch!

01/02/2015 16:27
Joshua Clay

thats my best as of yet

01/02/2015 16:28
Gemma Birks

Brilliant! Thank you so much


06/02/2015 12:16
Joshua Clay

Hi Gemma, you know on your blog for the fmp, do you still need the furniture doing?  and are going to look like the images provided?

06/02/2015 15:07
Gemma Birks

Yes, I still need what's on the list on my blog modelling. When something has been taken to be modelled (and possibly textured) I will put the word Taken beside it as I have for the Machete and the Winchester. Yes, I would like them to look like the images provided. I thought it best to put them there so you guys know what it is I'm looking for. They don't have to be exactly as the images portray, but the images are there for a reason
Which are you thinking of modelling?

06/02/2015 15:12
Gemma Birks

Keep me updated with your progress with screenshots and stuff like that as well. You should keep the screenshots for yourself too, to document what you do!
Also, if you want to texture the model as well, keep in mind that it doesn't have to be overly realistic. The main characters are cartoony, and so the rest of the animation should be somewhat the same when it comes to textures.

06/02/2015 15:13
Joshua Clay

I was thinking the furniture atm?

06/02/2015 15:13
Gemma Birks

All of the furniture or just one or two?

06/02/2015 15:14
Joshua Clay
one or two atm

06/02/2015 15:15
Gemma Birks

Which ones? I shall mark them as taken on the blog

06/02/2015 15:15
Joshua Clay

wardrobe and dresser. want me to make the mirror work?

06/02/2015 15:16
Gemma Birks

Right-o! And if you would like to get the mirror to work, that would be brilliant! However, it's not vital

06/02/2015 15:17
Joshua Clay

ill try get some of it done over the weekend

06/02/2015 15:18
Gemma Birks

Thank you and keep me updated with screenshots of your progress, please

06/02/2015 15:18
Joshua Clay



25/02/2015 14:02
Gemma Birks

Hey, do you have dropbox? If so, I will add you, like I want to add everyone, to the folder I've created and you can put in what you've done for me in there

25/02/2015 14:03
Joshua Clay

I gotta make a new account xD

25/02/2015 14:06
Gemma Birks

Okay, if/when you do make a new account, let me know what email you are using and I will add you to the folder

25/02/2015 17:58
Joshua Clay


25/02/2015 18:05
Joshua Clay

oh turns out my email still works xD                                     


19/03/2015 18:53
Gemma Birks

Hey, I'm just writing to ask how you are getting on modelling? Make sure to update me please with screenshots or messages on how you are getting on and please use the dropbox to transfer things if needed. I will be posting your work on my blog, to show progression etc If you are not comfortable with that, let me know.

19/03/2015 19:04
Joshua Clay

I'm getting along with it atm

19/03/2015 19:09
Gemma Birks

Good to know!
Keep me updated


27/03/2015 21:54
Joshua Clay
Hey gemma I just uploaded the maya scene with basic colour texture applied, also added my step by step screens


28/03/2015 22:07
Gemma Birks

Hey! I saw this message yesterday but was having internet issues so couldn't reply. I've looked at it and I'm very happy with the result! Thank you so much!
Are you still going to model the dressing table?
I will put your work on my blog and later, I will try and give you feedback on what you've done etc
Thanks again!

28/03/2015 23:35
Joshua Clay

Hopefully ^u^ ! And no problem


06/05/2015 02:13
Gemma Birks

Hey, it's getting too close to deadline now. If you can get something done pretty quick then I might be able to add it in but the deadline is nearing and I'm in the process of modelling everything that hasn't been modelled for me.
If you don't decide to do anymore for me then, thanks for the wardrobe!

06/05/2015 09:08
Joshua Clay

Hopefully be finishing my stuff today so I'll be able to focus on it  I'll message you if I'm unable to finish in time

06/05/2015 13:38
Gemma Birks

Thanks a lot! Sorry if I'm pestering or anything, I'm grateful for what you and the others have done but I do need more props and I don't know if I can model them all myself in time haha Hopefully either way I will get the props I need though!
Thanks again!!


Although I did indeed get a wardrobe, as promised, I sadly was not able to get a dresser from Joshua, however, the wardrobe was a decent quality, even as low poly it was, and I got it in time to be able to open to view it and give it a basic material.
As I asked, Joshua also included some screenshots of his progress, which I have added to this blogpost above to showcase what and how it was made in several images.
Just as I was grateful to Tom, I am also grateful to Joshua, and can understand and relate to the limited time available for ones work to be done. It is a shame that I was not given the models earlier, but the end result still provided me with an object/prop that I had been promised and needed.


Ciaran Slavin

Conversation started 29 January

29/01/2015 20:23
Gemma Birks

Hello! I'm Gemma Birks and I'm one of the Third years on the Animation course. I wasn't at the presentation day, and I apologise for that, I have quite the problem with the Winter. At any rate, Ryan Wilson told me that you are interested in 3D? I am too. I want my final project to be 3D if I can.

Because I was not at the presentation, I shall link my work to you here for you to have a gander at: (I admit to not updating my flickr for quite some time, so I don't mind if you skip it) (I update this as much as I can/remember. My FMP idea is on there, but it's just the basics for now as I'm still playing around with my idea. More information about it will be uploaded there soon) (here is my DA...just because)
I reckon I shall be needing help with modelling props and the lark. There should be a list (which may grow) on my blog (on the Assistant Animator post).
I'd like to discuss things with you, and others involved (if you choose to be involved), I'd like to hear suggestions and opinions and feedback on anything. And I'd like your email just in case, please.
My email is:
You might see me around Uni, I'll be the girl with the crutches most likely.
P.S. I didn't think you randomly add you because I wasn't sure if you wanted some strange woman in your friends.


01/02/2015 15:23
Ciaran Slavin

I'd be happy to help anyway I can, I'm still new to Maya but I'm sure I can get what models you want done kiki emoticon Hope so at least, Wow! just checked your deviantart .... you're very good! as is your flickr  @.@ just ... wow xD my email address is                            feel free to add me I don't mind and hope to hear from you soon

01/02/2015 15:50
Gemma Birks

Brilliant, thank you!
Thanks for your email address and I shall add you then!
Check my blog for the models I sort of want done. Also, do you mind if I put your name and some of your work on the blog? I'm showcasing those that are helping me smile emoticon
Have a nice Sunday!


07/02/2015 14:42
Ciaran Slavin

I spoke with josh recently so i'll be happy to give the bed, the crumpled can and some of the bullets ago. will screen shot and send to you once i've started. if i get confident enough i'll attempt a car xD

07/02/2015 15:11
Gemma Birks

Thank you kindly! Do you need a reference picture for the can? I was going to add one. I, myself, need reference images and such, and so I added the images on my blog, as a guideline to how I want things to look. They don't have to be exact, but they are there to help you guys to see what it is I'd like you to do.
I shall add on the blog that the bed, the can and the bullets (which ones?) are taken. Yes, please screenshot your progress and the end result and email them to me
Yes, the cars are difficult. I don't mind if they get done or not, I realise they are very difficult. If I were to try and model them, I'd need a blueprint of the cars haha


25/02/2015 14:02
Gemma Birks

Do you have dropbox? If so, I will add you to a folder I've created.
When you have done any work, just put it in there for me


19/03/2015 18:54
Gemma Birks

Hey, I'm just writing to ask how you are getting on modelling? Make sure to update me please with screenshots or messages on how you are getting on and please use the dropbox to transfer things if needed (I don't think you are connected to it, if you want to be, I shall add you). I will be posting your work on my blog, to show progression etc If you are not comfortable with that, let me know.


10/04/2015 15:15
Ciaran Slavin

Don't worry I am taking screen shots as I go, Work is going slow but will defiantly get the can finished, once I've finished that I will attempt a bed, and if I still have time bullets. I just wish I was better modelling


06/05/2015 02:05
Gemma Birks

Hey, it's getting too close to deadline now. I've done the bed myself and used a can I had modelled before. If you can get something done pretty quick then I might be able to add it in but the deadline is nearing and I'm in the process of modelling everything that hasn't been modelled for me.

06/05/2015 16:46
Ciaran Slavin

Hey, sorry for not keeping you updated, I spent the most time making a bed so I do hope you like it, I will be sending the bullet I made too. I spent bout 20 hours in total on both of these, the bed being the one taking up the most time. I did start a can but knowing that you did one and with having deadlines myself... I'll leave.

06/05/2015 16:47
Ciaran Slavin

my bullet file is to large so I'll upload it to dropbox and send you the link

06/05/2015 16:55
Ciaran Slavin

Screenshots are being sent also so don't worry about that. I'm sorry that I've taken so long to do these but I don't know maya or 3ds max well. I hope you do like what I've made. The bed took about ... 15 - 20 hours to make and the bullet about 5 - 7 hours.

06/05/2015 19:02
Gemma Birks

Thanks a lot for these! I will download them and take a look
I hope you get your work done in time and it's all fantastic!


Even though Ciaran took the longest out of my three modellers to give me the models asked for/chosen, when I did finally get given the models I was very happy indeed! Ciaran, had informed me that he had not been modelling for long and was very self-conscious about his skills in Maya/3DSMax, but he had not reason to be as the final models were very well made, with a bunch of lovely screenshots illustrating his working progress. The bullet he made was probably the best overall, and that was simply because the look of the bed (the pillows mostly) were a little to hard and sharply shaped, but both the bed and the bullet were great low poly models and I was thrilled to receive them.


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