Monday, 1 October 2012

2D/3D Animation & Life Drawing

I'm going to go more into what tasks and things I've learnt last week in this post as well as upcoming tasks if needs be.

After Induction week, one of the tasks that my classmates and I were given (on the 24th September) was to create a post-it note flip animation.
My animation can be viewed here: -- You have to be following me to view it

This was very challenging for me only because we had to use 100 notes and were not meant to think too much about it nor spend too long on it, something which is hard for me as I'm a perfectionist and must have things the way I want them or imagine them, and I like to take my time with something but there was, of course, a due date. During the task I was frustrated and had to take regular breaks when doing it as I got distracted and found it rather tedious, I also seemed to struggle to come up with different and unique ideas.

Life Drawing (on the 25th September) was very enjoyable, even if I got immensely irate at the types of things were we set to do. Firstly, we had to draw poses in a series of lines (and were shown a very interesting video on how one person in particular went about this) and only had a set time to do it in, ten to thirty seconds tops. I have done something similar when I had done Life Drawing before but I didn't enjoy it then and my feelings don't seemed to have changed since. I cannot say I disliked the lesson and even though I was annoyed (mainly at myself) I continued on with the lesson and actually loved every moment of it. I haven't been able to draw for a few years now and doing it again, even doing things I wasn't in favour of, was a tremendous joy. The second thing we had to do was rotate around the room and draw/continue other persons drawings.
After the lesson was an optional one and I happily applied for it. I loved every moment of that optional lesson as I was allowed to draw for longer (30 mins near the end of the lesson). I look forward to the following Life Drawing sessions eagerly!

Stop Motion was something we were taught next (on the 27th September), the equipment used and the program. With this, I didn't play as big a part as I should have, mainly put off by the fact that a lot of the equipment/computers/programs didn't work. Once I was in a small group and had found some equipment that was in working order, I allowed one member of the group to do most of the work and merely regarded the process silently and closely beside him.
That animation can be viewed here: Coming soon

3D animation done on Maya was the last lesson I had (on the 28th September) where I created a Pendulum swing animation. It was quite interesting as I've not used Maya before but I have had experience in 3D programs therefore most of the tools that were available were known to me, which was good. Maya has many buttons and tools, though most of them do the same thing and so it's very confusing, but I believe I did well.
The animation can be viewed here: Coming soon

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